Photography Contest of International Museum Day of Macao, 2024

Photography Contest of International Museum Day of Macao, 2024


Objective: On behalf of 2024 International Museum Day's theme "Museums for Education and Research", a photo competition under the theme "Macao Coastline" will be organized to encourage photography enthusiasts to document the changes of Macao coastline over time, in efforts to promote the continuous protection of the ocean and marine biodiversity, for a cleaner ecosystem and safer place to live in.

Qualifications: Each participant can participate in only one category and submit one single entry.

  • Children Category: Macao residents aged 6~12, born between January 1st 2012 and December 31st 2018;
  • Youth Category: Macao residents aged 13~18, born between January 1st 2006 and December 31st 2011;
  • General Category: Macao residents with no age limit.

Registration and Submission of Entries:

  • Registration and submission: Only online registration and uploading of entries are accepted. Please visit the "Museums in Macao" website (, fill in the Google Forms and upload entries, a reply slip will be sent automatically upon receipt of the entries.
  • Deadline for submission: 22:00:00 on 26/03/2024 (Tuesday). Late submissions will not be evaluated.
More Details Online Registration and Uploading of Entries Results


Macao International Museum Day Carnival, 2024

Macao International Museum Day Carnival, 2024


Venue: The Mount Fortress Garden

Date: 12/05/2024 (Opening Ceremony: 15:00)

More Details

Macao International Museum Day, 2024 - Special Activities in May


"My Museum Visit Passport" phone games (12/5 - 2/6/2024)

My Museum Passport

(Scan the QR code to enter the WeChat game)

More Details

International Museum Day 2024 "Museums for Education and Research"


This year's theme, "Museums for Education and Research", underscores the pivotal role of cultural institutions in providing a holistic educational experience. This day pushes for a more conscious, sustainable and inclusive world.

Museums serve as dynamic educational hubs, fostering curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. In 2024, we acknowledge their contribution to research, providing a platform for exploration and the dissemination of new ideas. From art and history to science and technology, museums are vital spaces where education and research converge to shape our understanding of the world.

Each year since 2020, the International Museum Day supports a set of Goals from the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In 2024, we will focus on:

  • Goal 4: Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

For IMD 2024 we want to invite people to rethink education and imagine a future where knowledge sharing transcends barriers, where innovation unites with tradition. Join us as we explore the wealth of knowledge museums have to offer and, together, build a more informed and inclusive world!

(Source: ICOM)


What is IMD

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) established International Museum Day in 1977 to encourage public awareness of the role of museums in the development of society.

From America to Oceania, through Europe, Asia and Africa, International Museum Day (IMD) is a special moment for the global museum community. On this day, participating museums interpret an issue affecting cultural organisations. International Museum Day is also a fantastic opportunity for museum professionals to meet their public. Museums are at the heart of the system, institutions that serve and develop society.


What is ICOM

Created in 1946, ICOM (International Council of Museums) is the only international organisation representing museums and museum professionals on a global level.

ICOM is an international non-governmental organisation maintaining formal relations with UNESCO. Within the United Nations, ICOM has a consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.

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